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dc.contributor.authorTeshome, Yared
dc.description.abstract<p><strong>Background:</strong> &nbsp;<strong>&nbsp;</strong>Oligohydramnios has been correlated with increased risk of fetal stillbirth, meconium aspiration syndrome, severe birth asphyxia, low Apgar score scores and congenital abnormalities. It is also associated with maternal morbidity due to increased rates of induction and instrumental or operative deliveries. Negative perinatal and maternal outcome is directly related with the severity of oligohydramnios and the gestational age at the occurrence and other medical pregnancy complication.</p> <p><strong>Objectives: &nbsp;</strong>To assess maternal and perinatal outcome of induction of labor for severe oligohydramnios at term pregnancy and associated factors among pregnant women admitted from April30, 2021 to July 30, 2021 at SPHMMC and, Addis Ababa Ethiopia</p> <p><strong>Methodology:</strong><strong> </strong>A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted in SPMMC from April 30, 2021 to august 30, 2021. The pregnant mothers admitted in the labor and delivery unit with a diagnosis of severe oligohydramnios at term singleton pregnancy with known gestation will be included in the study. The data were collected using a structured and pretested questionnaire. It will be entered in EPI Info7.0 and analyzed using SPSS 24.0. Logistic regression analysis will be done to assess any factors associated with severe oligohydramnios.</p> <p><strong>Result : </strong>From a total of 129 interviewed mothers, 22 of the cases excluded as 8 of them has either unknown or unreliable GA and 14 of them the information was incomplete. 107 cases were analyzed and, at the same time, their neonates’ cards were reviewed and family asked 7<sup>th</sup> day outcome of neonate documented. Severe oligo found in 48.5% of the cases. Among predisposing factors of oligohydramnios, Hypertensive disorder of the pregnancy, IUGR, and others obstetrics complications (abruption of placenta, GDM, ITP, SLE and cardiac disease) occurred in 29(27.1%), 28(26.1), 23(21.4%) respectively. AMO in the form of CD and APNO was 5.626 times and 5.2 times higher in mothers who had severe oligohydramnios than non-severe oligohydramnios [AOR=5.626, 95%CI (2.246, 14.093)] &amp; [AOR=5.223, 95%CI (1.517, 17.984)] respectively.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion: </strong>There is significantly decreased maternal morbidity in the form of CS in induction of women with severe oligohydramnios but there is slight increased perinatal morbidity. There for, for patient with severe oligohydramnios the decision between vaginal (induction) vs CS should be balanced. PIH, gravidity, IUGR and other obstetrics complications are associated factor for the occurance of oligohydramnios and for maternal and perinatal outcome.</p>en_US
dc.titleMaternal and Perinatal Outcome of Severe Oligohydramnios Induced at Term in Saint Paul’s Hospital Millennium Medical Collegeen_US

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