Graduate and Postgraduate Research: Recent submissions
Now showing items 61-66 of 66
Discontinuation time and associated factors to discontinuation of long term contraceptive use at St. Paul's hospital millennium medical college and its satellite health centers
(2018-03-01)Background: Long acting Family Planning(LAFP) methods such as Implants, despite of meet their needs, can dramatically improve the health and well-being of women, families, and communities. Despite their advantages, LARCs have key drawbacks. The use of synthetic ...
Intimate Partner Violence among Pregnant women attending Antenatal care in Saint Paul Millennium Medical College, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
(2018-02-01)Background: The United Nations Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women defines violence against women as "any act of gender-based violence that results in, or is likely to result in, physical, sexual or psychological harm or suffering to women, ...
(2018-03-01)Background: Post-term pregnancy is defined as pregnancy that has extended to or beyond 42 weeks of gestation (294 days). The incidence varies with the study population. Post-term pregnancy is associated with an increased risk of fetal and neonatal ...
Magnitude and factors associated with utilization of Long Acting Reversible Contraceptive (LARC) methods in the Immediate Postpartum Period among mothers who gave birth in Addis Ababa Public Health Facilities, Ethiopia
(2019-05-01)Background: Maternal and child mortality is prevailing in SSA where Ethiopia is located. While it is revealed that promotion of contraception can avert 32% of all maternal deaths and 10% of childhood deaths; every year in SSA, about 14 million unintended pregnancies ...
Classification Of Caesarean Sections In Saint Paul’s Hospital Millennium Medical College Using Robson’s 10 Classifications, 2019
(2019-05-01)Introduction: The international healthcare community has considered the ideal rate for caesarean sections to be between 10% and 15%.More than 85 % of these operations are performed for four reasons prior cesarean delivery, dystocia, fetal jeopardy, or abnormal ...